Write a breif note on skimming scanning

Write a breif note on skimming scanning


skimming news 

Skimming and scanning are two reading techniques that are commonly used to improve reading speed and comprehension.

Skimming is a reading technique that involves quickly scanning a text to get a general idea of what it's about. This technique is useful for getting a broad overview of a text, and can be used when you don't have much time to read or when you're trying to determine if a text is relevant to your needs. To skim, readers can focus on headings, subheadings, bolded or italicized text, and summaries, as well as the introduction and conclusion of a text.

Scanning, on the other hand, involves looking for specific information in a text. This technique is useful when you know what information you need, but don't want to read the entire text. To scan, readers can look for keywords, dates, numbers, or names that are relevant to their search. They can also use the table of contents or index to guide their search.

Both skimming and scanniang can be effective techniques for improving reading speed and comprehension. However, they should not be used exclusively, as they can lead to a lack of depth in understanding. Instead, it's best to use a combination of reading techniques, depending on the purpose and nature of the text. example is scanning documents with iphone

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