The work pool model is also known as the task pool model. This model makes use of a dynamic mapping approach for task assignment in order to handle load balancing.
The size of some processes or tasks is small and requires less time. Whereas some tasks are of large size and therefore require more time for processing. In order to avoid the inefficiency load balancing is required.
The pool of tasks is created. These tasks are allocated to the processes that are idle in the runtime. This work pool model can be used in the message-passing approach where the data that is associated with the tasks is smaller than the computation required for that task.
In this model, the task is moved without causing more interaction overhead. There is no desired pre-assigning of tasks onto the processes. Assigning of tasks is centralized or decentralized.
Pointers to the tasks are saved in a physically shared list, in a priority queue, or in a hash table or tree, or they could be saved in a physically distributed data structure.