Scan Converting Circles and Characters

Scan Converting Circles and Characters

Scan Converting Circles and Characters

 Scan conversion is the process of converting geometric shapes like circles and characters into pixels for display on a digital screen. Here's a quick breakdown:


  • We define a circle using its center coordinates and radius.
  • Common algorithms utilize the circle's equation (x^2 + y^2 = r^2) or decision parameters to determine which pixels lie on the circle's path.
  • These algorithms work by iteratively checking points along the x-axis and calculating the corresponding y-coordinates that fall within the circle's boundary.
  • A popular method is Bresenham's circle algorithm, which efficiently calculates these points using integer arithmetic.


  • Characters are typically represented as digital fonts stored in font files.
  • These fonts define the character shapes using a grid of pixels (bitmap fonts) or outlines (vector fonts).
  • During scan conversion, the font information is used to determine which pixels need to be turned on to display the character on the screen.
  • For bitmap fonts, the pixel data directly translates to on-screen pixels.
  • Vector fonts require converting the outlines (lines and curves) into pixel data using line scan conversion algorithms similar to those used for circles.
  • Scan Converting Circles and Characters (including Circle Midpoint)

    Scan conversion is the process of converting geometric shapes like circles and characters into pixels for display on a digital screen. Here's a breakdown with an added focus on circle midpoints:


    • We define a circle using its center coordinates ((x_center, y_center)) and radius (r).
    • Common algorithms utilize the circle's equation (x^2 + y^2 = r^2) or decision parameters to determine which pixels lie on the circle's path.
    • These algorithms work by iteratively checking points along the x-axis and calculating the corresponding y-coordinates that fall within the circle's boundary.

    Circle Midpoint and Scan Conversion:

    • The circle's midpoint, with coordinates (x_centery_center), is a central point within the circle and doesn't necessarily correspond to a displayed pixel (unless the center happens to fall on a pixel grid).
    • Scan conversion algorithms leverage the circle's symmetry. By calculating points in one octant (e.g., top-right) and reflecting them across axes, we can determine all the circle's boundary pixels efficiently.
    • Algorithms like the midpoint circle algorithm use the midpoint concept to make decisions about the next pixel to be included in the circle's outline. They compare the distance between calculated points and the ideal circle path to determine which pixel (or its neighbor) falls closer to the true circle.


    • Characters are typically represented as digital fonts stored in font files.
    • These fonts define the character shapes using a grid of pixels (bitmap fonts) or outlines (vector fonts).
    • During scan conversion, the font information is used to determine which pixels need to be turned on to display the character on the screen.
    • For bitmap fonts, the pixel data directly translates to on-screen pixels.
    • Vector fonts require converting the outlines (lines and curves) into pixel data using line scan conversion algorithms similar to those used for circles.

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