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Showing posts from January, 2024

Structure and Function of Social Institutions

Structure and Function of Social Institutions Structure and Function of Social Institutions in Sociology Structure Social institutions exhibit varying levels of formality and o…

the imagnational sociology

The Imaginative Leap: Sociology's Journey Beyond the Obvious The Imaginative Leap: Sociology's Journey Beyond the Obvious Imagine peering through a kaleidoscope, wit…

Social Interaction Processes

Social Interaction Processes in Sociology In our everyday lives, we interact with others constantly – chatting with friends, playing a team sport, discussing work with colleagues. These i…

Sociology Relationship with other social Sciences

Sociology is the study of society and social behavior. It is a broad discipline that encompasses many different areas, such as social inequality, crime, education, family, and religion. S…

Social groups

Social groups are a fundamental part of human life, shaping our identities, values, and experiences. They provide belonging, support, and a sense of shared purpose. But with such a divers…

A Dive into Quranic Sociology

The Quran, not only a sacred text for Muslims, also offers a profound vision for human society. Beyond outlining religious practices and theological concepts, it lays bare the foundat…

fields of Sociology,

Sociology, as a vast and ever-evolving field, branches out into numerous specialized areas, each focusing on a specific aspect of society and its dynamics. These various fields, often int…

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