how will you define interviews?

how will you define interviews?


Interview Skills 
There are some easy steps that you can take that will increase your 
chances of success at interviews. 
First, remember that job interviews should be a process of two-way 
communication. Not only are they a tool for employers to use to 
evaluate you, but they are also an opportunity for you to assess the job, 
the organization, and to see if there is a "fit." 

The keys to a successful interview are preparation and practice. The following 

suggestions will help you prepare for an interview: 

Self-evaluation It is important for you to think about yourself and your past 

experiences in order to be ready to articulate what you have to offer an employer. 

Consider the following topics: 

• How your present and past experience relate to the position 

• Your current and future career goals 

• What skills and expertise you have to offer 

• The skills that you would like to develop or improve 

• Location, salary, and lifestyle priorities 

• Kinds of people and environments you prefer 

• Past experiences you want to highlight such as volunteer 

work, hobbies, travel 

Before the Interview

Research the Company - A company's website is an excellent place to 

begin. It usually gives you information on whether it is international or 

domestic, what its revenues are, how many locations it has, and the 

nature of its major products. Most companies are very proud of their 

websites. Don't be surprised if one of the first questions interviewers 

ask when you arrive is, "Have you have had a chance to look at our 


Practice interviews - Write down a list of possible questions that you think may be 

asked, then have a friend act as an interviewer and direct them to you in a practice 

interview situation. Don't stop until you feel comfortable answering each question. 

Practicing beforehand will make you feel more comfortable and relaxed during the 


Dress Professionally - In today's environment, wearing a suit isn't 

always necessary. Contact the HR Manager of the company or your 

recruiter, and find out what the dress code is for the company at 

which you are going to interview. Then dress one level above. For 

instance, if it is business casual, men can wear dress pants, dress 

shirt, and sport coat. Women can wear a pantsuit, dress, or a skirt and 

blouse. Visual impressions are very important. Therefore, if in doubt, 

always dress on the conservative side.

Arrival - Try to arrive at the interview location a little early. This 

gives you time to determine where you need to go, and will give 

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you a few minutes to collect your thoughts. DO NOT arrive late. Nothing destroys your 

chance at impressing an employer more than arriving late and offering no explanation. 

If you learn at the last minute that you are going to be arriving late at the interview, call 

and let the interviewer know. Interviewers understand that things can come up 

suddenly. You are never considered late if you call and make them aware of the fact. 

During the Interview

First impressions - First impressions take only thirty seconds. 

Establishing rapport, direct and sustained eye contact, a firm 

handshake, a warm smile, good posture, and introducing yourself in 

a confident manner are important ingredients. A well-groomed, 

professional appearance is critical. Greet the interviewer with a firm 

handshake, whether it is a woman or a man. (No one likes a weak 

handshake.) Always maintain eye contact while shaking hands. 

Smile - A smile denotes confidence in a candidate. Try to smile often. Also, don't be 

afraid to use some hand animation while answering questions. This suggests 

enthusiasm in a candidate. 

Body Language - Use good posture, and look the interviewer right in the eye. Sit up 

straight. Never slouch. 

Speak Clearly - Don't mumble. It portrays a lack of confidence. Speak with assurance. 

This indicates confidence. 

Listen Before Answering - Allow the employer to begin the 

interview, but be prepared with some opening statements or 

questions such as, "I understand that this position involves…," or 

"What are you looking for in a job candidate?" Make sure you 

understand the question. If not, ask the interviewer to clarify it. Don't 

be afraid to take some time to think before answering. Interviewers 

are impressed with someone who thinks out an answer before 


Give Brief Answers - Make your answer concise and to the point. Rambling tends to 

suggest that you really don't have the answer to the question(s) asked. 

Previous Employers - Never, ever say anything negative about your present or 

previous employers. No matter how much you may have disliked someone, find a way 

to give your experiences a positive spin. 

Be Truthful - Don't lie when asked about something you haven't done. The next 

question will be "tell us about it." 

Know Your Resume - Be prepared to talk about every fact that is on your resume. 

Many people embellish their accomplishments on their resumes. Avoid this, since the 

only point of reference an interviewer has about you is the resume you provide to 

him/her beforehand. 

Keep things at a professional level - Sometimes near the end of an interview, the two 

parties start feeling comfortable with each other. Don't let this comfortable feeling lead 

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you to telling them something about yourself that they really shouldn't know. Always 

keep things at a professional level. 

Look for Something in Common - This is something that has given us 

an edge in the past. Try to find a common bond between yourself 

and your interviewer. If you are being interviewed in an office, look 

at how the office is decorated. Look for something you can identify 

with. Is his/her college diploma hanging on the wall? Did you 

attend a nearby school, or perhaps one in the same Division? If so, 

make a quick comment about it: "Did you attend Penn State? I 

attended the University of Michigan. What a great football conference." 

Interviewers sometimes feel more comfortable with people with whom they have 

something in common. This approach has helped several candidates obtain a position 

over other qualified candidates. Above all, be sincere. 

After the Interview

Back in Touch - Ask the interviewer when s/he expects to get back to you on her/his 


Get Everyone's Business Card - Before you leave, be sure to get the business cards of 

all of the people with whom you visited. If you cannot do that, ask a secretary for their 

names and e-mail addresses. 

Thank the Interviewer - Verbally thank the interviewer for taking the time 

to interview you, before leaving. Within a day, send thank-you letters to 

all of the interviewers with whom you spoke. This does not need to 

consist of a written letter sent via snail mail; an e-mailed thank-you 

works just as well. 

Do not give up - Sometimes, within ten minutes of the start of an interview, you will 

know that the job is not one you want to pursue. If you begin to feel this way, don't give 

up on the interview. Continue to interview as if the job was the most important thing in 

the world. This provides you with practice for your next interview, which may be for 

your dream job! Not all interviews will lead to offers of employment, but, if you 

approach every interview as if it's the most important interview you ever had, you will 

come out a winner! 

Additional tips 

• Focus on presenting a positive, enthusiastic tone. 

• If you are asked to describe a weakness, mention lessons 

learned, and steer away from negative descriptions. 

• Think about three or four key points that you want to make about 

your personal characteristics, skills you have learned, and 

relevant experiences that demonstrate that you could perform the 

job well. 

• Find specific, rather than general, examples from your experience that 

illustrate important points about yourself. 

• When answering questions, focus on experiences that demonstrate flexibility, 

adaptability, responsibility, progress, achievement, creativity, initiative, and 


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• If the employer signals the end of the interview and asks you for questions, and 

you haven't discussed some key points, say: "There are a couple of points I 

would like to mention." 

After the interview, write a brief thank you letter. Express your appreciation for the 

opportunity to interview and learn about the organization, re-confirm your interest, and 

re-emphasize how your background and skills might be of interest to the organization. 

Some Interview Questions 

You can expect to be asked some of the following types of questions in an interview. 

Case Questions are often used by consulting companies to assess analytical and 

problem solving skills. The interviewer presents a situation and asks you to discuss 

possible solutions. A sample case question is, "Describe a managed care company 

that you think is successful and explain why. What do they do that works? What are 

their potential problems? What is your outlook for their future? What suggestions do 

you have for their future?" 

Behavioral or situational questions are used to assess how you would behave in 

different circumstances and to predict your behaviour in future, similar situations. An 

interviewer may ask, "Tell me about a time when a team you were working on was 

unable to proceed due to some interpersonal conflict. How did you respond, and what 

role did you play on the team?" 

Role-play questions entail the interviewer asking you to put yourself in another role and 

decide how you would handle a specific problem. 

Industry-specific questions are questions regarding the latest trends or issues in the 

industry. An interviewer may ask, "If you were a CEO of Microsoft’s main competitor, 

what actions would you take in the on-line services market?" 

Brainteasers are quick questions where the obvious answer is not necessarily the right 

answer such as, "Which would you rather receive: fifty thousand pennies or a 

10x10x10 room filled with pennies?" 

General questions 

• Tell me about yourself. 

• What are your key experiences and accomplishments? 

• How would you rank your achievements? 

• What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

• How would your friends describe you? 

• Explain your reason for leaving your current job. 

• What are the most important things to you in a job? 

• What do you value in a supervisor? 

• How would you describe your management style? 

• What appeals to you about this job and organization? 

• Describe the ideal position in our company. 

• What qualities do you think make someone successful in our industry? 

• What would you like me to know most that is not on your resume? 

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• Explain your understanding of the issues and trends in your specialty and 

in the overall industry. 

• Why are you qualified for this position? 

• Give an example of a situation where you demonstrated leadership. 

• Give an example of how you worked on a team. 

• What questions do you have about the organization? Questions for the 

interviewer are queries that usually focus on the culture or mission of the 

organization, and job responsibilities. This is not the time to bring up questions 

about salary, benefits, and vacation about which you can inquire after you have 

been offered the job. 

The Phone Interview

Due to a company's geographic location, travel costs, and divergent 

schedules, a phone interview may often be your initial contact with a 

prospective employer. Therefore, we're offering some phone 

interview tips.

Objective - The idea behind a phone interview is to gain an invitation for a 

personal interview, and to gather more information for future steps in the process.

Preparation - Have a pad, pen, and a copy of your resume near the phone. Use a 

phone in a quiet area. Avoid any background noise. Also avoid using a cordless phone, 

because they tend to transmit poorly.


a. Smile and be enthusiastic. Your enthusiasm will carry 

through to the interviewer.

b. Speak in a conversational manner, and be sure to speak 

loudly enough to be heard. Speak with some inflection and 


c. Let the interviewer do most of the talking. When s/he asks you a 

question, expound upon the answer. Use the opportunity to sell your 

skills and experience.

d. When the interview is over, let her/him know that you are very interested 

in scheduling a personal interview at her/his place of business.

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