HTML Role in web devlopment

HTML Role in web devlopment


 HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the foundation of the web. It is a markup language that allows you to create and design web pages. HTML code is composed of a series of elements that define the structure and content of a web page. Whether you are a beginner or an experienced web developer, there are certain HTML codes that you must know.

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HTML Document Structure

Every HTML document should begin with a document type declaration, which tells the browser what type of document it is reading. This declaration should be followed by the HTML document structure. The following code is a basic example of an HTML document structure:

In this code, the <!DOCTYPE html> declaration specifies the document type as HTML5. The <html> element contains all the other elements of the HTML document, including the <head> and <body> elements. The <head> element contains meta information about the document, such as the title of the page, while the <body> element contains the content of the page.

Heading Elements
Headings are an important part of any web page. They provide a hierarchy of information that helps readers understand the content of the page. HTML provides six levels of headings, from <h1> (the most important) to <h6> (the least important). Here is an example:

Paragraphs are used to group together text that is related to a particular topic or idea. They are created using the <p> element. Here is an example:

Links allow you to navigate between web pages. They are created using the <a> element, and require two attributes: href and text. The href attribute specifies the URL of the web page you want to link to, while the text attribute specifies the text that will be displayed as the link. Here is an example:

<a href="">Click here to visit</a>

Images can be used to enhance the visual appeal of a web page. They are created using the <img> element, and require the src attribute, which specifies the URL of the image file. Here is an example:

<img src="" alt="Example Image">

In this code, the alt attribute specifies the alternative text for the image, which is displayed if the image cannot be loaded.

In conclusion, these are some of the must-add examples of HTML code that every web developer should be familiar with. Understanding these elements will help you create well-structured and visually appealing web pages.

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