what is CHTML

what is CHTML


html * selector

CHTML is a subset of HTML that is designed for small devices such as smartphones and PDAs. It has some limitations and differences compared to HTML, such as the lack of tables, image maps, font styles, background images, frames, and style sheets. CHTML was developed for i-mode devices by Access Company, Ltd. and is widely used in Japan and other Asian countries.

In this article, we will explore some of the features and syntax of  what is CHTML with examples. We will also compare CHTML with HTML and Razor, which is another markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code into web pages using C#.

## CHTML Features

CHTML has some features that are specific to small devices and mobile web browsing. Some of these features are:

- The accesskey attribute: This attribute allows you to assign a numeric key to a link or a form element, so that the user can activate it by pressing that key on the device's keypad. For example:

<a href="https://www.bing.com" accesskey="1">Bing</a>

<input type="submit" value="Search" accesskey="2">

This will create a link to Bing with the accesskey 1 and a submit button with the accesskey 2.

- The phone number shortcut: This feature allows you to create a link that will automatically dial a phone number when the user clicks on it. For example:

<a href="tel:+18005551234">Call us</a>

This will create a link that will dial 1-800-555-1234 when the user clicks on it.

- The emoji characters: These are pictorial characters that represent emotions, objects, animals, etc. They are widely used in Japan and other Asian countries for text messaging and social media. CHTML supports a set of emoji characters that can be inserted into the web page using hexadecimal codes. For example:

&#xE63E; &#xE63F; &#xE640;

This will display three emoji characters: a smiley face, a sad face, and a surprised face.

## CHTML Syntax

CHTML syntax is similar to HTML syntax, but with some differences and limitations. Some of the main differences are:

- CHTML does not support the <head> tag or the <title> tag. Instead, it uses the <META> tag to specify the character encoding and other information. For example:

<META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html; charset=Shift_JIS">

This specifies that the character encoding is Shift_JIS, which is a common encoding for Japanese characters.

- CHTML does not support style sheets or inline styles. Instead, it uses the <STYLE> tag to define style rules for elements. For example:


h1 { color: blue; }

p { font-size: small; }


This defines style rules for h1 and p elements.

- CHTML does not support tables or nested lists. Instead, it uses the <BR> tag and the <BLOCKQUOTE> tag to create layouts and indentations. For example:

<h1>Welcome to our site</h1>

<p>This is our introduction paragraph.</p>




<li>Item 1</li>

<li>Item 2</li>

<li>Item 3</li>



This creates a layout with a heading, a paragraph, and a list with indentation.

## CHTML vs HTML vs Razor

CHTML is a subset of HTML that is designed for small devices and mobile web browsing. It has some limitations and differences compared to HTML, such as the lack of tables, image maps, font styles, background images, frames, and style sheets.

HTML is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. It supports many features and elements that allow you to create rich and interactive web pages.

Razor is another markup syntax that lets you embed server-based code into web pages using C#. It allows you to use C# variables, expressions, control structures, and methods within your HTML code. Razor files have the extension .cshtml or .razor depending on whether they are used in ASP.NET or Blazor applications.

Here is an example of Razor syntax:


    var name = "Bing";

    var date = DateTime.Now;


<h1>Hello @name!</h1>

<p>Today is @date.ToString("D").</p>

This will display a greeting with the name Bing and the current date.

## Conclusion

In this

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